Hannah Last Cornaby is my wife's great-great-great-grandmother. She was a woman strong in faith and in letters. She left her posterity many poems, songs, and other writings, including an autobiography. We are fortunate to have access to her writings. I wish to share a few excerpts from the record of her life.
"This was the beginning of June, two years from the June before mentioned; then, we had not even heard of this Latter-day work, now, we were identified with it, and our names cast out as evil for its sake; but, oh! how happy we felt, as we journeyed on; how unspeakably dear we were to each other! The trials through which we had already passed, purified our faith and increased our love.
"Before adopting our new faith, we weighed the matter well, and counted the cost. We were not coaxed nor coerced, but did it prayerfully, thoughtfully and intelligently; and could say in the words of the Apostle Paul, "Neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy."
"My husband opened the parcel of Millennial Stars that have been received the previous day form Liverpool, and to our astonishment found the revelation on Celestial Marriage. We had a testimony that it was from God, and rejoiced that He had indeed restored the Gospel as in former dispensations. No principle or doctrine of our faith had been received by us with so much joy, as this heaven-born revelation."
"When at length, from the top of the Little Mountain, we caught a first glimpse of the Valley, our delight and gratitude found vent in tears of unfeigned joy, and when, on the morning of the 12th of October, 1853, we emerged from the mouth of Emigration Canyon and beheld the City of the Saints, we felt more than repaid for the nine months of travel, and all the hardships we had endured. We seemed to inhale the restful spirit of the beautiful city, spread out in peaceful loveliness before us . . . With these feeling we entered Salt Lake City, and encamped on Union Square; thankful that our lives had been preserved, and that now we could rest after our long journey; for I had walked the entire distance from Council Bluffs - more than one thousand miles!"
"On the twenty-first of March, we passed through the Endowment House. Those who have enjoyed the privilege, can appreciate the blessing it was to us at this time. Having left all for the gospel's sake, we were repaid a hundred fold."
I am grateful for this wonderful Sister, who endured many hardships in life, but in doing so set an example for her family to follow. Her life was one of joy, even in trials, having understood the blessings of the Gospel and the temple ordinances.
(Those who pay attention to the authors listed in the hymn book may recognize Hannah Last Cornaby as the author of "Who's on the Lord's Side").