Trek Departure/Arrival

Trek is almost upon us and we are excited to be heading to Bing Canyon on July 10th. Here are some last minute details:

1. We know schedules sometimes change. If your son or daughter will be unable to participate in Trek, please respond to this e-mail to let us know.

2. Trek will officially start when youth arrive at the Mt. Vernon Stake Center (1700 East Hazel St., Mt. Vernon, WA). Please arrange to have your son/daughter arrive ready to go at 8 AM. Please also be sure they have a sack lunch for the trip to Bing Canyon (we will only be providing dinner that night).

3. Each Trek participant should have only the gear listed in the attached Trek Update. Everything must fit in a 5-gallon bucket with lid and a 10-gallon Ziploc bag (Ziploc big bag). They should not bring additional things (phones, electronics, etc.).

4. Each individual should come dressed in appropriate pioneer clothing (see attached Trek Update for details).

5. Your son/daughter should arrive back at the Mt. Vernon Stake Center by 5 PM on Saturday, July 13. Please arrange to pick them up at that time.

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