Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Post Trek Thoughts & Testimonies - Tobler

So many wonderful memories. Going through all the pictures I took from Trek just puts a smile on my face. I am going to miss my "kids" -- Francys Tobler

Trek. By far the best thing I've ever done! By far the most physically demanding thing I've ever done! By far the most spiritual thing I've ever done! I love my trek family so much. I will never forget them and the influence they had in my life! Ladies, you gave me so much hope and strength to endure the pulling. Gentlemen, y'all gave me the feelings of brotherhood I've been looking for, for a while with the LDS young men. Ma and Pa, the love, sacrifice, and devotion you gave to this family will always be a great example for the way I wish to raise my children. This family was so inspired, and I feel it every single hour of my day! Y'all are the best!
"Remember, Slow and Steady Wins the Race. Zion or Bust!!"
 -- Ryan Luke Cross

Trek was wonderful and I had so much fun! My family was loving and always had high spirits, even when we were struggling. But we can do hard things, especially while we are singing the whole time  I will always remember this experience and you guys will always be my family! Thanks you so much. -- Pearl Petaia

Trek. Was. Amazing!! If I could describe the whole experience with one word, that word would be "Remember". I made so many memories with my trek family and company. Thanks Robert Tobler and Francys Delgado Tobler for being the BEST Ma and Pa's ever! RyanRhiannonPearl, Kayden, Heidi, Whitney, Jared. YOU GUYS ROCK!! -- Mason McInnis

I believe that we are all children of a living God who loves us beyond conception. I believe with all my heart that the Grace of Jesus Christ is sufficient to save all mankind, and more importantly, I believe that His Grace is sufficient to transform Gods children into the people they are meant to be. I believe that the trials we face in these latter days are unique to our time and that we've been given the tools we need to spiritually thrive. I believe that Joseph Smith did see God the Father, and His Son. He was called to translate The Book of Mormon and to restore the Gospel of Jesus Christ in it's fullness on the Earth today. I believe that God succored the saints who obeyed His call for a gathering in the west. I believe that God loves everybody individually and wants to see us become like Him. Just like in Bing Canyon, He has already planted us, his seeds, and he will water us continually through all eternity if we so choose! I believe that a testimony isn't always found on the knees praying for one, but that it can be found on your feet living the principles of righteousness and serving others. My testimony I leave with you, in the name of my Savior, and my Friend, Jesus Christ. Amen -- 
Ryan Luke Cross

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

"You . . . can indeed be pioneers in courage, in faith, in

charity, in determination. You can strengthen one another;

 you have the capacity to notice the unnoticed. When you 

have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to feel, you can 

reach out and rescue others." 

—Thomas S. Monson, "Pioneers All"

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Trek Prep Devotional - Jeannie Henderson

"I'd like to make this..... promise to you. If you are faithful, the day will come when those deserving pioneers whom you rightly praise for having overcome the adversities in their wilderness trek will instead praise you for having made your way successfully through a desert of despair, for having passed through a cultural wilderness and having kept the faith." Neal A Maxwell: Faith in Every Footstep Instructor's Guide(CES Manual,1996)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Trek Prep Devotional - Heather Chandler

As I am typing this devotional, the sun is beginning to set, and the cooler air is now moving throughout the house, and fireworks can be heard from some of my neighbors. Simply put, summer has arrived.

Girls Camp for the Bellingham Stake was last week, and for those of us who were at Cascade Park, we can attest that the spirit was in great abundance, along with laughter, singing, and camp cheers. Last week, amid the humidity and rain, my thoughts wandered to Trek…. How will we handle the heat? Have the youth broken in their Trek boots? Do we have our clothes ready? And so on….I’m a planner. I like to know what is expected of me and then organize my list of to-do’s so that I set myself up for personal success. We are now at that stage of our planning (for ma’s and pa’s) where hopefully we have done our physical preparation, and now we are ramping up our spiritual preparation. Our Girls Camp scripture this year (happens to be my all-time favorite, no coincidence in my book) and is found in 2 Nephi 31 verse 20 “Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life. “

At camp, the young women discussed what it meant to be steadfast in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and how they could be a light to others on their journey. Sis. Elaine Dalton, former General YW President of the church, shared in her conference address in April 2003,   “On a pier in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a bronze statue of a young woman named Kristina. Kristina stands looking out to sea toward her goal to join the Saints in Zion. The wind is blowing against her fiercely, but she does not look back. She is steadfast as she presses forward doing a very hard thing, but one she knows to be right. I love that statue, for to me Kristina represents my own Danish great-great-grandmother who chose to join the Church amid great resistance. I am grateful for her courage and testimony. On her choice that day rested not only my eternal destiny but also the destiny of generations.
In the Book of Mormon, Nephi tells us that we can “press forward” (2 Ne. 31:20). He says we not only can but must. Perhaps Nephi, like Kristina, could see that the steadfast choices of one individual affect generations.”

As we prepare in these finally days leading up to Trek and contemplate how we can best execute the message “with Joy wend your way”. Let us not forget, the Master planner of all, our Heavenly Father. With His help, and guidance of the Holy spirit, those of us who press forward, “pushing and pulling”, will find the joy along the way, and have a better understanding of the great plan of happiness, and where we fit in it. How fortunate we are to be a part of this unique experience. 8 days and counting…… Whew-hew!!

I found this link on Facebook today. I thought you might like to share with friends, family, and co-workers. You know…when they ask, “you’re doing what?”

Sister Heather Chandler
Bellingham 2nd Ward