Thursday, April 4, 2013

Trek Prep Devotional - Roland King

Hi all,

Have you heard the saying “you’ve got to take a leap of faith”? 

Yesterday I took my family to Canada to a really fun water park called WaterMania.  At this swimming pool they had one of those Olympic platforms that are used for high dive events.  I took my 4 oldest kids that range from almost 14 to 7 years old, up the long steps to the top. As I walked out to the edge of this platform and looked down I got that scary nervous feeling I get in anticipation of free falling.  I had to really force myself to make that step or leap to get down off this platform.  One of my daughters felt the same thing I was feeling and she made several (like maybe 10 or 15) trips to the edge of that platform before finally taking action and putting that foot out over the edge to begin her decent to the pool water below.

I like how Alma in the book of Mormon described faith, he said, “Faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” He continues, “Awake and arouse your faculties, even to an experiment upon my words, and exercise a particle of faith….” Alma 32:21,27
Faith is a principle of action and power.  For us to receive salvation we need to have faith in Christ.  One of the ways we show are faith in Christ is to live his teachings. We create action in how we live because of our faith in Him.  For some it might be easier and for others it might be harder but each of us has to take that leap of faith at some point to follow the Savior and to be perfected in him. 

Thank you,
Roland King

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